Prefill text fields for signers before sending a Sign Request

DocHub allows you to prefill information for a signer such as their Name in the window before sending a Sign Request for any Text or Paragraph fields that are assigned to a signer. The option is enabled by default for text fields added in our Fields Manager on a template. You'll see this checkbox on the right side already checked when a field is selected:




To prefill information for a signer on a template, just choose to Prepare or Send Sign Request, and you'll see a button to prefill on the right side below each signer which also displays the number of fields assigned to them. Once you click prefill, you'll see this:



Once you've filled in the text, your Sign Request is ready to send!

If you have a regular document, you'll need to convert it to a template first. 

Note: When your signers fill the document, they can still edit any of the prefill text and add their own text or make any corrections. 





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