Reorder, rotate, remove & add pages using the Page Controls panel

The Page Controls panel will appear as a vertical layout to the left of your open document with each page of your PDF displayed as thumbnails with a corresponding page number. Each page can be selected or right-clicked for modifying which includes all of these actions:
To toggle the Page Controls panel open, click DocHub_UI_-_Page_Controls_icon.png on the left side of the Tool Bar and use the buttons at the bottom of the panel to perform actions on a selected page or right-click on a page and use the context menu. 


Reordering pages U+2195.svg

Click a page and hold while dragging up or down the numbered page list. Release when you're ready to drop it in a new page number position. 



Rotating pages Screen_Shot_2019-04-26_at_3.36.56_PM.png

Rotate selected pages or all pages. Hold Control or ⌘ to select additional pages in the page layout. Choose the number of degrees and whether clockwise or counter clockwise:

  • Rotate selected page 180°
  • Rotate selected page 90° ⟳
  • Rotate selected page 90° ⟲
  • Rotate all pages 180°
  • Rotate all pages 90° ⟳
  • Rotate all pages 90° ⟲


When your PDF has annotations or form fields, you'll be prompted for whether you'd like to keep them or discard them:



Deleting pages Screen_Shot_2019-04-26_at_3.37.03_PM.png

Select the pages you want to remove (hold Control or ⌘ to select multiple) and click Screen_Shot_2019-04-26_at_3.37.03_PM.png



Appending or adding pages Screen_Shot_2019-04-26_at_3.36.47_PM.png

Click Screen_Shot_2019-04-26_at_3.36.47_PM.png to Merge another PDF into the open document or Append a blank page. You'll be asked where to insert the page(s) before or after the page of your choice. By default, it will be placed after the last page. 


You can even merge other PDFs from within your DocHub account to the document. See: Merging documents within DocHub.

Downloading selected pages Screen_Shot_2019-04-26_at_3.36.38_PM.png

Select the pages you want to download (hold Control or ⌘ to select multiple) and click Screen_Shot_2019-04-26_at_3.36.38_PM.png and choose 'Download selected pages'.



Printing selected pages Screen_Shot_2019-04-26_at_3.36.38_PM.png

Follow directions for Downloading selected pages and choose 'Print selected pages' in the menu. 



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