How to cancel DocHub Pro

You can cancel DocHub Pro at anytime from your billing dashboard.

If you're using DocHub pro as an individual user, you can cancel by downgrading to the free version from the plan selection page:

If you're using DocHub Pro as an organization, then  are available here:
dochub > your organization > settings > billing > change plan
or from
where your-organization-slug is replaced with your organization's slug or domain


Downgrading to free will still keep your DocHub account in Pro status for any remaining period that has already been paid for, or for the remaining duration of a free trial.  Once you've downgraded to DocHub's free plan you will not be charged again for that plan.

If you've done this and then change your mind before your trial or subscription period is over, you can restore your subscription by going back to the Pricing Page or Billing Settings and click on "restore subscription."

If you do decide to cancel DocHub Pro, we'd really like to get your feedback on whether there is anything in particular we could do to improve DocHub Pro and get you to stay as a Pro user. Your input would be greatly appreciated, so please email us at with any suggestions. 

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