Are DocHub eSignatures legally binding?

We follow and adhere to the rules and intent of the US Federal ESIGN Act which defines electronic signatures to be just as legally binding as handwritten signatures on paper. The electronic record and signature laws of almost every other country are essentially identical to the ESIGN Act requirements, so DocHub also meets the legal standards for electronic signatures around the world. 

Our Sign Requests and form fills include an extensive Audit Trail for even more legal backing to your electronically signed documents in DocHub. You can learn more in the article below:

View and download an enhanced audit trail for your e-signed legal documents

To learn more, see: 

Digital Signature Certificate

You can also now apply our Adobe approved digital signature certificate to certify the signatures or the contents of your document before saving or exporting. Simply select the "Certify document" option from the when downloading or sharing the document to apply the signing certificate.


To learn more, see: Certified documents and verified signatures (Adobe Acrobat valid eSignatures)

You can view the validity of the signatures of a document signed in DocHub by opening the certified PDF using Adobe Acrobat. See the image below for an example:

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